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Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry


1 mole of any substance contains 6.023 1023 particles and this number is known as Avogadro Number.

Avogadro Number(NA) = 6.023 1023

1 mole = 6.023 1023 particles

Note : This particles can be electron, proton, newtron, atom, ion, molecule etc.

Atomic Mass and Gram Atomic Mass

Mass of one atom of any element is called Atomic Mass, It's unit is a.m.u (atomic mass unit).

1 a.m.u =

When we express mass of one mole of atoms in grams then it is called gram atomic mass (GAM) or gram atom or mole atom.

Average Atomic Mass(AAM) :

Definition : Weighted average of atomic mass of isotopes of naturally occuring elements known as Average Atomic Mass(AAM).


Number of Gram Molecules

Number of Gram Molecules means Number of Moles of a substance.

Number of Gram Molecules or Number of Moles = $${{Given\,Mass} \over {GMM}}$$

Avogadro's Hypothesis for Gases

Statement : Equal volumes of all gases contains equal number of moles under similar condition of pressure and temperature.

V n at constant P and T

where V = Volume, n = Number of moles

% by Volume

% by volume : - (% v / v)
Volume of Solute (in ml) present in per hundred ml of solution is called % by volume (% v/v).


vsolution = vsolvent + vsolute

% wt by volume :- (% w/v)

% wt by volume :- (% w/v) Weight of solute present per hundred ml of solution is known as % wt by volume.


Vsolution = Vsolute + Vsolvent


Molarity : - (M)

* It is denoted by capital M.

* Molarity of solution is defined as number of moles of solute present per litre of solution.

n = M v(in litre) (Applicable for aqueous solution)

where n = Number of moles of solute

W gm of a solute having molar mass m1 is dissolved in sufficient water to form v ml of solution. Determine derived formula of molarity.

** By default volume of solution is nothing but volume of solvent [Vsolution Vsolvent]

** There is no change in volume of solution on dissolution of solute.

% by weight :- (% w/w)

% by weight :- (% w/w) Weight of solute present in 100 gm of solution is defined by as % by weight.


Vsolution = Vsolute + Vsolvent

Mole Fraction

It is denoted by x and defined as ratio of number of moles of substance to the total number of moles.

Mole fraction (x) =

Let a solution contains Solvent(A) and Solute(B) then

Mole fraction of solvent A = xA =

and Mole fraction of solute B = xB =

xA + xB = 1


Molality : - (m)

* It is denoted by small m.

* Molality of solution is defined as number of moles of solute present per kg of solvent.

Parts per Million (ppm)

Parts per (ppm) :

It is a special concentration term which is used when solute present in the solution is negligible then we use ppm.

It is defined as mass of solute present per million that is 106 gm of solution.

ppb = parts per billion

It is used for hardness of water.

Dilution Formula :

Dilution Formula :

Process of addition of water in any solution is known as dilution.

nsolute = Constant

Vsolution = Increase

Msolution = decrease

Let for a solution initial volume is V1 and initial molarity is M1, after adding water of volume Vw in the solution volume becomes V2 (V2 = V1 + Vw) and molarity becomes M2.

As volume solute stays constant so moles of solute also stay constant.

Moles of solute before dilution = Moles of solute after dilution

(nsolute)BD = (nsolute)AD [As n = M V]

M1V1 = M2V2

Molarity of Mixing

$$\bullet$$ It is applicable for more than one solution.

$$\left. {\matrix{ {(i)\,Same\,substan ce\,(HCl - HCl)} \cr {(ii)Same\,ion\,(NaCl - NaN{O_3})} \cr } } \right]$$ No reaction

$$\bullet$$ It is not applicable for substance having different nature where they can react.

Eq. $$\matrix{ {\mathop {HCl}\limits_A } & {\mathop {NaOH}\limits_B } \cr } $$ react with each other.

Let a M1 molar solution of volume V1 liter is mixed with a M2 molar solution of volume V2 liter. Then molarity of the mixture is

$${M_R} = {{{M_1}{V_1} + {M_2}{V_2}} \over {{V_1} + {V_2}}}$$

$$\therefore$$ $${M_R} = {{\sum {{M_i}{V_i}} } \over {\sum {{V_i}} }}$$

Special Formulas :

(1) (Relation between M and % w/v).

(2) (Relation between M and % w/w).

(3) % w/v = % w/w d (Relation between % w/v and % w/w).

(4) (Relation between m and x)

(5) (Relation between M and m).