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Basic Math


(a) L.C.M. of

(b) H.C.F. of

(c) L.C.M. of rational and irrational number is not defined.

Remainder Theorem :

If a polynomial is divided by , then the remainder is obtained by putting in the polynomial.

Factor Theorem :

A polynomial $a_{1} x^{n}+a_{2} x^{n-1}+a_{3} x^{n-2}+\ldots+$ $a_{n}$ is divisible by $x-p$, if the remainder is zero i.e., if $a_{1} p^{n}+$ $a_{2} p^{n-1}+\ldots+a_{n}=0$ then $x-p$ will be a factor of polynomial.

Cyclic Factors :

If an expression remain same after replacing $a$ by $b, b$ by $c$ and $c$ by $a$, then it is called cyclic expression and its factors are called cyclic factors.

e.g. $a(b-c)+b(c-a)+c(a-b)$

Some Important Identities











If , then




Divisibility Rule

(a) A number will be divisible by 2 iff the digit at the unit place is divisible by 2 .

(b) A number will be divisible by 3 iff the sum of its digits of the number is divisible by 3 .

(c) A number will be divisible by 4 iff last two digits of the number together are divisible by 4 .

(d) A number will be divisible by 5 iff digit at the unit place is either 0 or 5 .

(e) A number will be divisible by 6 iff the digit at the unit place of the number is divisible by 2 and sum of all digits of the number is divisible by 3 .

(f) A number will be divisible by 8 iff the last 3 digits, all together, is divisible by 8 .

(g) A number will be divisible by 9 iff sum of all its digits is divisible by 9 .

(h) A number will be divisible by 10 iff it's last digit is zero.

(i) A number will be divisible by 11 iff the difference between the sum of the digits at even places and sum of the digits at odd places is a multiple of 11.

Laws of Indices and Surds


(b) [Here order should be same.]




(e) or

(f) times

[Important for changing order of surds]









(o) or or if and

(p) or


(r) but

Properties of Modulus Functions

(a) If $a, b$ are positive real numbers, then

- $x^{2} \leq a^{2} \Leftrightarrow|x| \leq a \Leftrightarrow-a \leq x \leq a$

- $x^{2} \geq a^{2} \Leftrightarrow|x| \geq a \Leftrightarrow x \leq-a$ or, $x \geq a$

- $x^{2} < a^{2} \Leftrightarrow|x| < a \Leftrightarrow-a < x < a$

- $x^{2}>a^{2} \Leftrightarrow|x|>a \Leftrightarrow x<-a$ or, $x>a$

- $a^{2} \leq x^{2} \leq b^{2} \Leftrightarrow a \leq|x| \leq b \Leftrightarrow x \in[-b,-a] \cup[a, b]$

- $a^{2} < x^{2} < b^{2} \Leftrightarrow a< |x| < b \Leftrightarrow \in(-b,-a) \cup(a, b)$

(b) For real numbers $x$ and $y$, we have

- $|x+y|=|x|+|y|$, if $(x \geq 0$ and $y \geq 0)$ or, $(x,<0$ and $y<0)$

- $|x-y|=|x|-|y|$, if $(x \geq 0$ and $|x| \geq|y|)$ or, $(x \leq 0, y \leq 0$ and $|x| \geq|y|)$

- $|x \pm y| \leq|x|+|y|$

- $|x \pm y|>|| x|-| y||$

Properties of Greatest Integer Function :

(A) $$[I] = I$$

$$[ - I] = - [I]$$

(B) $$[x + n] = [x] + n$$

Ex : $$[x + 2] = [x] + 2$$

$$[x - 3] = [x] - 3$$

(C) If $$[x] = n$$

then $$n \le x < n + 1$$

Ex : 1) $$[x] = 4$$

$$ \Rightarrow 4 \le x < 4 + 1$$

$$ \Rightarrow 4 \le x < 5$$

2) $$[x] = - 1$$

then $$ - 1 \le x < - 1 + 1$$

$$ \Rightarrow - 1 \le x < 0$$

(D) $$[x] + [ - x] = \left\{ {\matrix{ 0 & {x = I} \cr { - 1} & {x \ne I} \cr } } \right.$$

Ex : (a) $$x = 2$$

$$[2] + [ - 2] = 2 + ( - 2) = 0$$

(b) $$x = 2.8$$

$$[2.8] + [ - 2.8] = 2 + ( - 3) = - 1$$

Properties of Inequalities

The following are some very useful points to remember.

(a) $a \leq b \Rightarrow$ either $a < b$ or $a=b$

(b) $a < b$ and $b < c \Rightarrow a < c$

(c) $a < b \Rightarrow-a > -b$, i.e., the inequality sign reverses if both sides are multiplied by a negative number.

(d) $a < b$ and $c < d \Rightarrow a+c < b+d$ and $a-d < b-c$

(e) $a < b \Rightarrow k a < k b$ if $k > 0$, and $k a > k b$ if $k < 0$

(f) $0 < a < b \Rightarrow a^{r} < b^{r}$ of $r > 0$, and $a^{r} > b^{r}$ if $r < 0$

(g) $a+\frac{1}{a} \geq 2$ for $a > 0$ and equality holds for $a=1$

(h) $a+\frac{1}{a} \leq-2$ for $a < 0$ and eqaulity holds for $a=-1$

(i) If $a > 2 \Rightarrow 0< \frac{1}{x} < \frac{1}{2}$

(j) If $x < -3 \Rightarrow-\frac{1}{3} < \frac{1}{x} < 0$

(k) If $x < 2$, then we must consider $-\infty < x < 0$ or $0 < x < 2$

(I) Squaring an inequality: If $a < b$, then $a^{2} < b^{2}$ does not follow always.

Examples :

(1). $2 < 3 \Rightarrow 4 < 9$, but $-4 < 3 \Rightarrow 16 > 9$

(2). $x > 2 \Rightarrow x^{2} > 4$, but $x < 2 \Rightarrow x^{2} \geq 0$

(3). $2 < x < 4 \Rightarrow 4 < x^{2} < 16$

(4). $-2 < x < 4 \Rightarrow 0 \leq x^{2} < 16$

Wavy Curve Method

Let $y=\frac{f(x)}{g(x)}$ be an expression in $x$ where $f(x)$ and $g(x)$ are polynomials in $x$. Now, if it is given that $y>0$ (or $<0$). Then to solve the inequality following steps are taken.

Step I : Factorize $f(x)$ and $g(x)$ and generate the form :

$$ y=\frac{\left(x-a_{1}\right)^{n_{1}}\left(x-a_{2}\right)^{n_{2}} \ldots\left(x-a_{k}\right)^{n_{k}}}{\left(x-b_{1}\right)^{m_{1}}\left(x-b_{2}\right)^{m_{2}} \ldots\left(x-b_{p}\right)^{m_{p}}} $$

where $n_{1} n_{2} \ldots n_{k}, m_{1}, m_{2} \ldots m_{p}$ are natural $\ldots a_{k}, b_{1}, b_{2} \ldots b_{p}$ are real numbers. Clearly, here $a_{1}, a_{2} \ldots a_{k}, a_{2}$ roots of $f(x)=0$ roots of $f(x)=0$ and $b_{1}, b_{2}, \ldots b_{p}$ are roots of $g(x)=0$.

Step II : Identify the points where $y$ vanishes (i.e., where $f(x) = 0$). These roots $a_{1}, a_{2}, \ldots a_{k}$ are marked with black dots on a number line. Also identify the points where $y$ is undefined (i.e., where $g(x) = 0$). These points $b_{1}, b_{2}, \ldots b_{p}$ are marked with white dots and are excluded from the solution set.

Step III : Check the value of $y$ for a real number greater than the rightmost marked number on the number line. If $y$ is positive in this region, then it will be positive for all real numbers greater than this point. If $y$ is negative, it will be negative for all real numbers greater than this point.

Step IV : The points corresponding to factors with odd exponents are called "simple points", and those with even exponents are called "double points".

From right to left, draw a wavy curve above the number line (if $y$ was positive in Step III) or below it (if $y$ was negative). The curve should intersect the number line at simple points and stay on the same side of the line at double points.

Step V : The intervals where the curve is above the number line correspond to positive values of $y$, and intervals where the curve is below the number line correspond to negative values of $y$. The appropriate intervals are chosen based on whether the original inequality was $y > 0$ or $y < 0$. The union of these intervals represents the solution to the inequality.

Some Important Number Sets :

(a) Set of all natural numbers

(b) Set of all whole numbers

(c) set of all integers

(d) Set of all +ve integers

(e) Set of all - ve integers

(f) The set of all non-zero integers

(g) The set of all rational numbers

(h) The set of all positive rational numbers

(i) The set of all negative rational numbers

(j) The set of all real numbers

(k) The set of all positive real numbers

The set of all negative real numbers

(m) The set of all irrational numbers

e.g. etc. are all irrational numbers.