Equation of Circle with Centre (h, k) and Radius r

The equation of circle is

General Equation of a Circle

The general equation of circle is

$$ x^2+y^2+2 g x+2 f y+c=0, $$ where $g, f$ and $c$ are constants.

Here, Co-ordinates of the centre are $(-g,-f)$ and

radius $=\sqrt{g^2+f^2-c},\left(g^2+f^2 \geq c\right)$

Locus of the Mid-point of the Chords of the Circle that Subtends an Angle of 2θ at its Centre

Let mid-point and centre, radius of circle are respectively, then

Required locus is

Diametric Form of a Circle

The equation of the circle on the line segment joining and as diameter is

Intercepts Made on the Axes by a Circle

Let the circle

Position of a Point with Respect to Circle

A point lies outside, on or inside a circle

according as , =, or

where, .

The Length of Intercept Cut-off from a Line by a Circle

The length of the intercept cut-off from the line $y=m x+c$ by the circle $x^2+y^2=a^2$ is

$$ 2 \sqrt{\left\{\frac{a^2\left(1+m^2\right)-c^2}{\left(1+m^2\right)}\right\}} $$

Tangent to a Circle at a Given Point

1. Point form :

The equation of tangent at the point to a circle

2. Parametric form :

The equation of tangent to the circle at the point is

3. Slope form :

The equation of a tangent of slope to the circle is

and the coordinates of the point of contact are

Normal to a Circle at a Given Point

1. Point form :

The equation of normal at the point to the circle is

2. Parametric form :

Since, parametric coordinates of circle is .

Equation of normal at is

or or

or , where

which is slope form of normal.

Length of the Tangent from a Point to a Circle

The length of tangent from the point to the circle is

Power of a Point With Respect to a Circle

The length of tangent from the point to the circle is

Chord of Contact

The equation of the chord of contact of tangents drawn from a point to the

circle is

Chord Bisected at a Given Point

The equation of the chord of the circle bisected at the point is given by


Pair of Tangents

The combined equation of the pair of tangents drawn from a point $P\left(x_1, y_1\right)$ to the circle $x^2+y^2=a^2$ is

$$ \left(x^2+y^2-a^2\right)\left(x_1^2+y_1^2-a^2\right)=\left(x x_1+y y_1-a^2\right)^2 $$

or $ S S_1=T^2$

where, $ S=x^2+y^2-a^2, S_1=x_1^2+y_1^2-a^2$

and $ T=x x_1+y y_1-a^2$

Director Circle

The equation of the director circle of the circle is

When two circles touch each other externally

Then, distance between their centres $=$ sum of their radii i.e.

$\left|C_1 C_2\right|=r_1+r_2$

When two Circles Touch each other Internally

Then, distance between their centres Difference of their radii

Common Chord of Two Circles

The equation of common chord of two circles

$$ S \equiv x^2+y^2+2 g x+2 f y+c=0 $$

and $ S^{\prime} \equiv x^2+y^2+2 g^{\prime} x+2 f^{\prime} y+c^{\prime}=0$ is

$ 2 x\left(g-g^{\prime}\right)+2 y\left(f-f^{\prime}\right)+c-c^{\prime}=0$ i.e.

$ S-S^{\prime}=0$

Length of common chord :

We have, $\quad P Q=2(P M) \quad(\because M$ is mid-point of $P Q)$

$$ =2 \sqrt{\left\{\left(C_1 P\right)^2-\left(C_1 M\right)^2\right\}} $$

where, $C_1 P=$ radius of the circle $(S=0)$

and $C_1 M=$ length of perpendicular from $C_1$ on common chord $P Q$.

Image of the Circle by the Line Mirror

Let the circle be and line mirror is in this condition, radius of circle remains unchanged but centres changes. Let the centre of imaged circle be .


we get,
