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Permutations and Combinations

Counting of Number of Ways to do Some Work

Addition law of counting :

If a work consists of two parts of which one part can be done in ways and the other part in ways thern , the work can be done in ways, if by doing any of the parts the work is done.

Multiplication law of counting :

If a work consists of two parts of which one part can be done in ways and the other part in ways thern the work can be done in ways, if both the parts has to be done one after the other to do the work .

Note :

If a work is to be done under some restriction then

the number of ways to do the work under the restriction = (the number of ways to do the work without restriction) - (the number of ways to do the work under opposite restriction).

Counting Formula for Permutation

The number of permutations (arrangements) of different things taking at a time

The number of permutations of things taking all at a time of which things are identical, things are identical of another type and the rest are different

Circular Permutation :

The number of arrangements of diffirent things around a closed curve

if clockwise and anticlockwise arrangements are considered different,

= if clockwise and anticlockwise arrangements are considered identical.

Counting Formula for Combination

1. The number of combinations (selections) of $n$ different things taking $r$ at a time

$$ ={ }^n C_r=\frac{n !}{r !(n-r) !} \text {. } $$

2. The total number of selections of one or more objects from $n$ different objects

$$ =2^n-1={ }^n C_1+{ }^n C_2+{ }^n C_3+\ldots+{ }^n C_n $$

3. The total number of selections of any number of things from $n$ identical things

$= n+1$ (when selection of 0 things is allowed)

= $n$ (when at least one thing is to be selected).

4. The total number of selections from $p$ like things, $q$ like things of another type and $r$ distinct things

$\begin{aligned}=(p+1)(q+1) 2^r-1 & \text { (if at least one thing is } \\ & \text { to be selected) } \\ = (p+1)(q+1) 2^r-2 & \text { (if none or all cannot be } \\ & \text { selected) }\end{aligned}$

5. The total number of selections of $r$ things from $n$ different things when each thing can be repeated unlimited number of times $={ }^{n+r-1} C_r$

Number of Distributions

1. The number of ways to distribute $n$ diffirent things between two persons, one receiving $p$ things and the other $q$ things, where $p+q=n$

$$ \begin{aligned} & ={ }^n C_p \times{ }^{n-p} C_q \\\\ & =\frac{n !}{p !(n-p) !} \times \frac{(n-p) !}{q !(n-p-q) !} \end{aligned} $$

$$ =\frac{n !}{p ! q !} \left\{ \because n=p+q \right\} $$

Similarly for 3 persons, the number of ways

$$ =\frac{n !}{p ! q ! r !} \text {, where } p+q+r=n \text {. } $$

2. The number of ways to distribute $m \times n$ different things among $n$ persons equally $=\frac{(m n) !}{(m !)^n}$.

3. The number of ways to divide $n$ different

things into three bundles of $p, q$ and $r$ things $=\frac{n !}{p ! q ! r !} \cdot \frac{1}{3 !}$.

4. The number of ways to divide $m \times n$ different

things into $n$ equal bundles $=\frac{(m n) !}{(m !)^n} \cdot \frac{1}{n !}$.

5. The total number of ways to divide $n$ identical things among $r$ persons

$$ ={ }^{n+r-1} C_{r-1} $$

6. The total number of ways to divide $n$ identical things among $r$ persons so that each gets at least one

$$ ={ }^{n-1} C_{r-1} . $$


A Useful Notation :

$n !=n(n-1)(n-2)$...... 3. 2. 1;

$n !=n .(n-1) !$ where $n \in W$

$0 !=1 !=1$

$(2 \mathrm{n}) !=2^{\mathrm{n}} \cdot \mathrm{n} ![1.3 \cdot 5 \cdot 7 \ldots \ldots . .(2 \mathrm{n}-1)]$

Note that :

(i) Factorial of negative integers is not defined.

(ii) Let $\mathrm{p}$ be a prime number and $\mathrm{n}$ be a positive integer, then exponent of $p$ in $n$! is denoted by $E_p(n$!) and is given by

$$ E_p(n !)=\left[\frac{n}{p}\right]+\left[\frac{n}{p^2}\right]+\left[\frac{n}{p^3}\right]+\ldots . $$


Let $\mathrm{N}=\mathrm{p}^{\mathrm{a}} \cdot \mathrm{q}^{\mathrm{b}} \cdot \mathrm{r}^{\mathrm{c}} \ldots \ldots$ where $\mathrm{p}, \mathrm{q}, \mathrm{r} \ldots \ldots \ldots$ are distinct primes $ \mathrm{a}$, $\mathrm{b}, \mathrm{c} \ldots \ldots$ are natural numbers then :

(a) The total numbers of divisors of $N$ including 1 and N is

$=(a+1)(b+1)(c+1) \ldots \ldots$

(b) The sum of these divisors is

$\left(p^0+p^1+p^2+\ldots+p^a\right)$ $\left(q^0+q^1+q^2+\ldots .+q^b\right)\left(r^0+r^1+r^2+\ldots .+r^c\right) \ldots$

(c) Number of ways in which $\mathrm{N}$ can be resolved as a product of two factors is

$\frac{1}{2}(a+1)(b+1)(c+1) \ldots \ldots$ if $N$ is not a perfect square

$\frac{1}{2}[(a+1)(b+1)(c+1) \ldots \ldots+1]$ if $N$ is a perfect square

(d) Number of ways in which a composite number $\mathrm{N}$ can be resolved into two factors which are relatively prime (or coprime) to each other, is equal to $2^{\mathrm{n}-1}$ where $\mathrm{n}$ is the number of different prime factors in N.


Number of ways in which $\mathrm{n}$ letters can be placed in $\mathrm{n}$ directed envelopes so that no letter goes into its own envelope is

$$ =n !\left[1-\frac{1}{1 !}+\frac{1}{2 !}-\frac{1}{3 !}+\frac{1}{4 !}-\ldots \ldots . .+(-1)^n \frac{1}{n !}\right] $$


(a) Number of rectangles of any size in a square of size $n \times n$

is $$\sum\limits_{r = 1}^n {{r^3}} $$ number of squares of any size is $$\sum\limits_{r = 1}^n {{r^2}} $$.

(b) Number of rectangles of any size in a rectangle of size $\mathrm{n} \times \mathrm{p}$ $(n < p)$ is $\frac{n p}{4}(n+1)(p+1)$

number of squares of any size is $\sum\limits_{r=1}^n(n + 1 - r)(p + 1 - r)$

(c) If there are $\mathrm{n}$ points in a plane of which $\mathrm{m}(<\mathrm{n})$ are collinear :

(i) Total number of lines obtained by joining these points is ${ }^{\mathrm{n}} \mathrm{C}_2-{ }^{\mathrm{m}} \mathrm{C}_2+1$

(ii) Total number of different triangle ${ }^n C_3-{ }^m C_3$

(d) Maximum number of point of intersection of $n$ circles is ${ }^{\mathrm{n}} \mathrm{P}_2$ and n lines is ${ }^{\mathrm{n}} \mathrm{C}_2$.