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Newton's Law of Gravitation

The magnitude of force of gravitational attraction between two point masses and separated by a distance is given by the equation

Here is the universal gravitational constant.


Acceleration due to gravity ( ) near the surface of a planet of mass and radius is given as :

As the height increases from the surface of the planet to , it is given as :

provided h << R$.

However, with the increase in depth from the surface of the planet to , it is given as :

Gravitational Potential

Gravitational potential (V) due to a point mass M, at a distance R is given as :

Gravitational Potential Due to Spherical Shell

Outside the shell

Inside/on the surface the shell

Potential Due to Solid Sphere

Outside the sphere,

On the surface,

Inside the sphere,

Gravitational Potential Energy

Potential energy due mutual gravitational interaction between particles of masses and separated by a distance is given by the following equation.

When separation between the particles is infinitely large, the potential energy is arbitrarily assumed zero.

Gravitational Field Due to Point Mass at Distance r

Eg [Radially inwards]

Gravitational field on the axis of uniform thin ring at distance x

[Directed towards centre]

Eg is max at

Gravitational Field Due to Spherical Shell

Outside the shell , where

On the surface , where

Inside the shell , where

[Note : Direction always towards the centre of the sphere]

Gravitational Field Due to Solid Sphere

Outside the sphere , where

On the surface , where

Inside the sphere , where

Escape Velocity From the Surface a Planet of Mass M and Radius R

Orbital Velocity of Satellite

For nearby satellite

Here escape velocity on earth surface.

Time period of satellite

Energies of A Satellite

Potential energy :

Kinetic energy :

Mechanical energy :

Binding energy :